I've been at my current job 2 years now, sometimes it feels like I started only yesterday, sometimes it feels like I've never done anything else. After 2 years, we share too many inside jokes and nicknames (for ourselves and others). For instance, the other day I worked on Perry Ellis's car all day, only taking time out to talk with Dickie Doo and Pizza Boy. Perry Ellis is so named because I told him he smelled good one day, he puffed out his chest, stuck up his chin and said, "it's Perry Ellis." Dickie Doo is Dickie Doo because we couldn't remember his name- it just stuck. And Pizza Boy isn't that hard to figure out. Except there is only one Pizza Boy, but others can be refered to as Pizza Boys. It's confusing, but we understand. It's almost a second language. One nickname we've come up with that has helped us a number of times is the Creeper Police, or CP.
One of our customers, Phil, decided he wanted a badge on his car, not exactly like a police officer, but of that idea. While we were dealing with him, another customer came in, a real creeper. So the joke was we needed Phil to be our Creeper Police. Since then, when there's a total creep we warn each other by saying something about the CP.
I should have recruited the CP before yesterday, because boy do I need them. Yesterday, I joined match.com. I've kicked it around for awhile, but never taken the actual steps to get signed up. My profile has been up less than 24 hours and I'm already wondering what I got myself into.
So far, I have used the excuses "Sorry, I'm gonna go- I've got to go walk my dog," and "You look too much like my uncle, it would be weird for me to go out with you." I only said the uncle thing because the poor guy looked like Sloth from the Goonies. No, I don't have an uncle that looks like Sloth, but I doubt the guy would have appreciated my comparison. So I lied.
Like everything else in my life, if nothing else, match.com will be an interesting experience.
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