Monday, October 4, 2010


Sowwy I haven't written in two months- I've been a busy girl!! And I can't really get comfortable in front of my desk top computer... my laptop was awesome. I could just lay in bed and write til my hearts content. So hint, hint, nudge, nudge- Best Buy gift cards for Christmas so I can get myself a new laptop!

So here's what's been going on since the beginning of August! Well, I'm going back to the end of July because that's where the story really starts.

Friday July 30: my cousin Serenade and her friends put together a murder mystery dinner- kind of like a live action game of Clue. Very fun. I had been talking to Man #6. We wanted to get together that weekend, but I had plans Friday and he had plans Saturday. I told him I was going to a dinner party then drinking and playing flip cup. He was like, well where's the party? So I called him and said if you'd like to come, you're more than welcome- HOWEVER- you have to dress up, it's a 40's themed party, and if you have a problem with gay guys, don't show. My cousin has a few gay friends and I didn't want to be the asshole that brought the asshole to the party, ya know? He had no problems, so we met up for a drink before hand (just to make sure he passed the creeper test-he did) then we headed on to the party. We had a blast. He was fun, sweet, good looking- we just really hit it off. only took 6 tries to find someone I had real hopes for. I couldn't wait to see him again!

Saturday July 31: A few years ago, I needed cash BAD. I had a check to cash, so I headed to Sky bank where I had an account. I did not have my ID so they wouldn't give me cash. ANY cash. Not even let me deposit most of my check and just have $20 "You're still getting cash, aren't you?" was their direct quote. So I pulled all my money (I say that like I had a lot) and went bank hunting. I walked into Home Savings and Loan in Streetsboro said "I hate those bitches at Sky, they made me cry." And it's been great ever since. My favorite banker, Ta-Ta, is only a little bit older than me and we always chit chat when I go in. We've been myspace and facebook friends and have each others numbers, but we've never gone out before. Well when I deposited my check Friday afternoon Ta-Ta was telling me that her brother in law was trying to set her up with this dude who was having a bonfire Saturday night, she wanted to go, but didn't have anyone to go with her. I didn't have plans, so I said, hey, I'll go with you. That was Friday, come Saturday I really wanted to back out. But I already told her I'd go, so I went. And that's where I met the amazing guy that brought me the flowers from the last post on our first date. We've been dating for about 2 months now. It seems like I've known him forever!

Monday August 2: My new Beau took me on our first date, surprised me with the flowers dyed my favorite color, played "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen- which up til the moment he played it had been my dating anthem, took me to dinner, kicked my butt at putt-putt, then took me to a book store where we each picked out books that meant something to us then swaped them and read each others books. I picked Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawlings, he picked Why We Suck by Denis Leary. 2 months later, he's pretty sure Little Ann and Old Dan are still puppies... maybe someday he'll finish the book and they'll get to grow up. It was the thought that counts!

Tuesday August 3: I called Match Man #6 and told him I had met someone. Beau left for 9 days for work. He works on a drilling rig in Pennsylvania, drilling for natural gas. He usually works 7 days on, 7 days off- but he had to work 9 days because of a mandatory sensitivity training course. FYI the top three most dangerous jobs are 1.) Alsakan Crab Fishing 2.) Coal Mining 3.) Drilling Rigs. Yeah. Awesome.

Friday August 13-Sunday August 15: Camping! 9 of us went down to Mohican River to go camping and tubing, including Beau, Bro, his girl Cutie, my best friend Darla, her boyfriend lets call him Nemo, and some kids we grew up with, JP, Junior and Junior's friend Twin (seriously he looks just like Junior). We had a BLAST Friday night. Everyone got along, no one from the campground bothered us, we were camping by a river with a ton of beer- it was amazing. Saturday we got up and (after an hour detour) went tubing. 6 miles apparently = 4 hours by river. We had beer, we had booze, bring it on! Then about half way through it starts pouring rain, lighting, thunder, wind, the works. Crack open another beer and keep floating. FINALLY we got off the freaking river and headed back to camp. Darla & Nemo's tent was blown over, Jp, Junior & Twins tent was completly flooded, our tent that Beau and I were sharing with Bro and Cutie was half flooded- Bro and Cutie's half. So everyone but Beau and I packed up and headed out that night. We had dry gear, and it had stopped raining so we stuck it out.

Tuesday August 17: The 5th anniversary of my 21st birthday! Beau brought coffee and doughnuts to the shop for me and everyone I worked with. They told me he's a keeper. I said, DUH.

Friday August 20- Sunday August 22: Bubble Gum's Bachelorette Party! We went camping in Presque Isle New York- had a blast. Bubble Gum, Ruby and Ganker lived together in Mantua after high school, during college. I was the un-offical "dude on the couch." We've all been through our ups and downs and all arounds since then. I haven't hung out with all of them in years, so I was a little apprehensive, but we picked up right where we left off. We laughed, drank, ate, talked too much all weekend. Friday we stayed at the campsite and played games and talked, Saturday we tried swimming and laying out but it was overcast and chilly. By 3 it was raining. 2 weekends in a row I went camping and it rained. I was starting to get a complex. We went to the casino Saturday night, none of us really won, but we had a great time. And I saved Bubble Gum's life- she somehow managed to drop her engagement ring and I somehow managed to spot it (I was checking out the floor to see if anyone had dropped any dollars or chips!).

Sunday August 30: Went to a fund raiser Cutie and her mom put on- Rollin for Rescues. We bowled and all the money went to the Berea Animal shelter. Beau came with me, Mom, Bro and met Gram (Mom's Mom) for the first time. She liked him because he gave me a hard time, even though he didn't buckle his seat belt on the way to Cleveland. I won the 50/50 raffle, but I donated it back to the cause. Bro won a bucket of doggie goodies and Gram won 2 baskets of doggie stuff. Floyd is one lucky pooch! The stuff Bro won was doggie clothes- a Browns jersy, an OSU tee-shirt, an OSU sweater and an OSU hat. Floyd LOVES wearing the clothes! One night Bro and I stayed up til almost midnight playing dress up with him- I'll have to post pictures.

Saturday September 4: Went to visit Darla for the first time in a long time! Beau asked what we were doing since he was at work- I told him we were drinking wine and eating icecream. He told me I was a nerd. See why I like him so much?

Sunday September 12: Beau and I went to Mom & Dad's for dinner and so Beau could shoot his new bow with dad. You don't know how relieving it is to have a boyfriend my dad wants to shoot WITH instead of shoot AT.

Monday September 13: Grams (Dad's Mom) made spaghetti dinner for Bro, Cutie, Beau and I for Bro's birthday that was on the 8th. Meeting the second grandma went well- we had a really good time and brought home a ton of left overs.

Wednesday September 15: Beau and I went to Pittsburgh for his favorite musician's concert- Hank Williams the third or Hank 3. He's not my favorite, but it was a fun mid-week trip. And I got to meet one of the guys Beau works with and his wife. Ash and I really hit it off and we all had a really good time- despite waiting for an hour for a cab and being late to the concert then me almost getting in a fight with a Life Size Barbie and Beau ordering seven 7&7's on accident because the bartender couldn't hear what he was saying. It was pretty funny.

Monday September 20: Got a text at 12:30 from Beau saying "there was an incident at work, I got hit with a couple thousand pounds. I think I'm ok, but I'm going to the hospital to get checked out. WIll let you know when I know something." Remember when I said his was the 3rd most dangerous job? Yeah. He was just in the wrong place at the right time. A 2,000 lb cylander hit him in the back and sent him flying off a 10 foot platform where he landed on his head. THANKFULLY he only had 2 cracked ribs, slightly sprianed ankle and bruises from head to toe. That was a bad day for me. He was very lucky to walk away.

Thursday September 23- Sunday Sept. 26: I was on my way to Washington PA where Beau was working. He was getting off work for the week, we were getting a hotel room in town then I was taking him on a surprise weekend get away for his 26th birthday on the 24th. For those of you keeping track, yes, I am 6 weeks older! In conversations we've had since we first met, Beau had told me twice in passing, that he'd alwasy wanted to go to Gettysburg. I have a few friends in the hotel industry, so I made a phone call, got a discounted room and decided to surprise him with a weekend get away. He almsot ruined it because he was being such a baby (stubborn ass would substitute well for baby but I was being nice) about me not telling him where we were going- oh and the whole getting blown up thing almost threw a wrench in the works too. We worked through it though, and his eyes absolutely lit up when I told him Thursday night where we were going. Neither of us had been before (well I guess I was there when I was a kid, but I have no memories of it). Gettysburg deserves its own post, but I will say we had a great weekend.

Friday October 1: Rehersal dinner for Bubble Gum & D-Man's wedding. Since Beau was working, I took Gram as my "plus one". Plus she had made them a really nice afghan and I wanted her to be able to give it to them when it wasn't so hectic like I knew it would be Saturday.

Saturday October 2: Wedding day! Beautiful, emotional, hysterical, long awaited! This, also deserves its own post.

Monday October 4: I came home at lunch and made chicken noodle soup because it's freaking freezing- and my whole house smells amazing. I didn't have any chicken bouillon so I used the seasoning from some ramen noodles (you can take the girl out of college...), along with carrots, zucchini, onion, chicken (duh) red pepper flakes and the ever lovin Garlic Salt (Garlic Salt gets capital letters since its my favorite and I put it in everything I make) Then when I got home I threw in the ramen noodles. It was no joke the best soup I've ever made.

And now, you my friends are caught up on my life for the past 2 months. I've done a lot of laundry, trying to get my room cleaned. Somewhere in there I finished crocheting a blanket I started like 2 winters ago (its awesome). And I've spent a lot of time texting and talking to Beau while he's out of town. The weeks he's gone drag and drag, the weeks he's home just seem to fly.

Oh and Floyd's doing great- we'll probably have to put his OSU sweater on him since it's getting so cold! We love having a pit bull that loves to wear sweaters. Even my dog's a nerd! Though he did wake me up last week, crying, because he had his head stuck between the bars of his cage at 7:15am. Apparently he didn't want to be in his cage anymore. I had to call Bro home from work with a pair of wire clippers to cut him out. Bonehead.

Oh well, that's it. More soon. And pictures from the past two months too! PINKIE SWEAR!

1 comment:

  1. Im calling you out on this one, not that I really care, cause I only flipped through this last one until I saw PINKIE SWEAR and something about pictures annnnnd you broke one!!
